Property tax reform 1000px sw
WSB News 16 Dec. 2021

Technical article

Landowners take note: secure your assets!

Within the framework of the Real estate tax reform 2022 all of the approximately 36 million properties in Germany will be revalued.

As a home and property owner, you are required by law to file a declaratory statement with your tax authority in electronic form.

You must submit this declaration of assessment between July and October 2022!


All owners of house and land property are affected by the property tax reform. This includes in particular:

  • private properties
  • Residential and partial ownership
  • Operating properties
  • Heritable building rights
  • Buildings on land owned by others
  • agricultural and forestry operations


Take care of it in time, we will help you. Svetlana Ryzhenko, partner, tax consultant and certified advisor for real estate taxation and real estate management (IFU / ISM gGmbH) at WSB, will be happy to assist you in filing your declarations of assessment.

Learn more about our services in the area of Real estate and real estate funds.

Nadja Neubig, Human Resources & Corporate Communications
WSB Wolf Beckerbauer Hummel & Partner Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbB

Max-Jarecki-Str. 21 | 69115 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 40509-10 | Fax: +49 6221 40509-30


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