Beam Post
WSB News 8 May. 2024


Students do business - Part II: Business plan for advanced students

'BEAM ... to be continued' was the motto at the WSB site in Heidelberg at the beginning of the year, when the reunion with our student group from the Hölderlin-Gymnasium was on the agenda. While the first meeting last fall focused on the theory of creating a business plan, this was followed by a practical exchange.

In the meantime, our twelve BEAM students have continued to refine their product ideas and concepts and have fed their business plans with countless figures. Jürgen Wolf, partner and auditor at WSB Treuhand in Mannheim, who is supervising the topic as a lecturer, provided them with the table in advance. Now it was time to get down to business: in groups, the students checked with Jürgen Wolf their data and talked about approaches, strategies and also problems. For example, one group had decided on a completely different product in the meantime. However, after initial teething troubles, the ideas started to flow and "everything suddenly felt right," said one student from this group.

"Thanks to the integrated financial planning in Excel, the business plan makes the cash flow of a business idea visible. This in turn also shows the students how much start-up capital is required and whether the project can succeed or where improvements need to be made," says Jürgen Wolf.

In the meantime, the Hölderlin students visited Palo Alto in the US, the birthplace of the BEAM project. There they finally got to meet their partner class in person, whom they had previously only been able to meet in video calls. Another milestone for the group of students was the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the BEAM project. As part of the anniversary event, the individual BEAM groups presented their ideas, concepts and work. We wish our students continued success! 😊

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