WSB Trainee
WSB News 25 Apr. 2024


"WSB Trainee Camp": second round for major trainee workshop

Promoting our junior staff with an inspiring day framed by current industry topics and fresh learning methods: That was the aim of our second major "WSB Trainee-Camp" last week.

In an all-day workshop, the Jochen Hummel and Svetlana Ryzhenkoboth partners and tax consultants at the WSB locations in Heidelberg and Mannheim, guided our students and trainees through a program full of knowledge about tax fundamentals and current legal changes. They also focused on strengthening individual skills - targeted learning strategies, effective stress management and discussing current training content were important pillars.

"Self-confidence and motivation," says Jochen Hummelare important drivers in our profession. We, the 'old hands', also have to constantly face up to new circumstances, question complex issues and acquire comprehensive knowledge. Passing this on to our junior staff was an important aspect of our day together."

For this reason, all WSB workshops focus on solving practical case studies. "The intensive examination of facts and critical questioning is a good and sustainable preparation for future collaboration with clients," says Svetlana Ryzhenko.

The compact day was rounded off by training in the conscious use of new AI tools. "No one can replace independent thinking. This will always remain our advantage over AI, but we must take advantage of the new opportunities offered by an AI-supported way of working." Svetlana Ryzhenko and Jochen Hummel agree.

We would like to thank all participants, speakers and our organizing team around Sabine Barth, Thomas Heim and Cecilia Atas for their commitment and enthusiasm. The spark was ignited once again - always at eye level. 😊

👉 Would you like to apply for a job with us? Then use our online application form:

Nadja Neubig, Human Resources & Corporate Communications
WSB Wolf Beckerbauer Hummel & Partner Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbB

Max-Jarecki-Str. 21 | 69115 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 40509-10 | Fax: +49 6221 40509-30


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