Reading and exercise day 2023
WSB News 17 Aug. 2023

Encouraging and inspiring children: Reading and Exercise Day 2023

When schoolchildren listen intently to the authors' words and sprint energetically over obstacles, it's reading and movement day again.

Together with its partner, WSB invited fourth-graders to spend an extraordinary school day at the Racket Center in Nußloch. On this day, the pupils were able to experience how the combination of attentive listening and physical activity can increase cognitive performance and be fun at the same time.

"In our applications, we see that many pupils could benefit from additional support with spelling. At the same time, fewer and fewer children are picking up books. We have therefore given a lot of thought to how we can best prepare children for the future. Through the innovative concept of the reading and exercise day, we reach the pupils in a special way and awaken in them an enthusiasm for reading as well as the joy of sporting activities in their free time," explained Sabrina Krennrich-Böhm, partner, tax consultant and specialist consultant for healthcare professions at WSB.

The reading and movement day began with a Viet Thai Chi session, which taught the pupils calmness and mindfulness. This was followed by readings by well-known children's book authors, who took the children on exciting and adventurous journeys.

After a short break, the children moved on to the movement course or the Zumba dance, where they were able to release their energy and put their skills to the test. The final dance showed the participants once again how nice it is to experience something together as a team.

The highlight of the day was the book exhibition, where the children were able to meet the authors of their favorite books in person, get autographs and buy books with personal dedications.

At the end of the day, the students and their teachers made their way home with their gym bags full of new impressions.

The following authors took part in the 2023 Reading and Movement Day: 

  1. Silke Schellhammer with her children's book series "School of Talents" (Volumes 1+5)
  2. Cally Stronk with "Unheimlich peinlich" (volumes 1-3)
  3. Michael Ebbertz with his works "Der kleine Herr Jaromir" and "Das Krokodil, das kommt aus Kiel"
  4. Barbara Rose with her successful animal whisperer books "Whisperworld" (Volumes 1-3)
  5. Tobias Goldfarb with his intergalactic children's thriller "Fonk"
  6. Andrea Liebers and Susanna Krauthauser with "The Gold of the Nibelungs"
  7. Juliane Sophie Kayser with her books "Das Sandwichkind" and "Franz und die Puppe auf Reisen"
  8. Michael Hain with an exciting reader's theater based on the book "Ghost Hunt" by Cornelia Funke

The high number of participants shows that there is a great need for reading promotion. This year, a total of 214 fourth-graders from 10 elementary school classes took part. Schillerschule Nußloch, Lindenschule Nußloch, Geschwister-Scholl-Schule Leimen-St.-Ilgen and Walldorf Forest School took part in the reading and exercise day. Joachim Förster, Mayor of Nußloch, and Claudia Felden, Mayor of Leimen, opened the reading and exercise day and were also enthusiastic about the event.

WSB and are actively promoting reading among primary school children with the Reading and Movement Day.

"In many professions, reading and the ability to concentrate are fundamentally important skills. We want to give the fourth-graders a taste of this at the reading and exercise day. And who knows: maybe we could also use this opportunity to get one or two pupils interested in the professions of tax consultant and lawyer," explained Dr. Martin Duncker, lawyer and partner at

If you would like to take part in the next reading and exercise day with your class, please get in touch with us:

Nadja Neubig, Human Resources & Corporate Communications
WSB Wolf Beckerbauer Hummel & Partner Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbB

Max-Jarecki-Str. 21 | 69115 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 40509-10 | Fax: +49 6221 40509-30


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