Company information according to § 5 Telemedia Act
WSB Wolf Beckerbauer Hummel & Partner
Tax consulting company mbB
69115 Heidelberg
Kurfürsten-Anlage 59
69257 Wiesenbach
In the meadow 13
68163 Mannheim
Seckenheimer Landstrasse 4
67061 Ludwigshafen
Rheinallee 13
10629 Berlin
Schlüterstrasse 54
Phone: +49 6223 9511-0
Tax number: 32065/07982
VAT ID number: DE234133535
WSB partnership reg. no.: PR 330033
Register Court Mannheim
WSB StBG mbB is a member of the Chamber of Tax Consultants North Baden
Vangerow Street 16/1
69115 Heidelberg
Country of registration: Germany
WSB International Tax Ltd.
Tax consulting company
69115 Heidelberg
Kurfürsten-Anlage 59
Phone: +49 6221 65130-0
Tax number: 32499/85160
VAT ID number: DE258272905
Individual authorized to represent
Managing Director:
Graduate economist Jochen Hummel
Graduate in Business Administration (BA) Christiane Reinhold
Commercial register number: HRB 703572
Register Court Mannheim
WSB International Tax GmbH is a member of the Chamber of Tax Consultants North Baden
Vangerow Street 16/1
69115 Heidelberg
Country of registration: Germany
WSB Treuhand GmbH
Auditing firm
68163 Mannheim
Seckenheimer Landstrasse 4
Phone: +49 621 1234 848-0
Tax number: 38189/73501
VAT ID number: DE232913449
Certified Public Accountant
Master of Science Jürgen Wolf
Chartered accountant, tax consultant
WSB Treuhand GmbH Commercial register number:
HRB 9820
County court Mannheim
WSB Treuhand GmbH is a member of the Chamber of Auditors
Smoke Street 26
10787 Berlin
Country of registration: Germany
WSB Revision und Treuhand GmbH
Auditing firm
68163 Mannheim
Seckenheimer Landstrasse 4
Phone: +49 621 1234 848-0
VAT ID number: DE290864081
Managing Director:
Diplom-Kaufmann Matthias Volkert
Certified Public Accountant
Tax consultant
WSB Revision und Treuhand GmbH Commercial register number:
HRB 717771
County court Mannheim
WSB Revision und Treuhand GmbH is a member of the Chamber of Auditors
Smoke Street 26
10787 Berlin
Country of registration: Germany
Professional Liability Insurance:
HDI Insurance AG
30650 Hanover
Territorial scope: Federal Republic of Germany and European Union (with restrictions)
Professional regulations:
- German Tax Consulting Act (StBerG)
- Implementing Ordinance to the Tax Consultancy Act (DVStB)
- Professional Code of Conduct for Tax Consultants (BOStB)
- Tax Consultant Fee Ordinance (StBGebV)
- German Federal Chamber of Tax Consultants:
Concept and technical implementation
millenium lab GmbH
Harbour road 86
68159 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 / 123 55 44 - 0