SocialMedia Post IHK
WSB News 7 Mar. 2024


IHK "Career Orientation Day" - WSB provides information about training paths

"What do you want to be when you grow up? Happy!" is the chorus of the song of the same name by DIKKA and Luna. But what sounds simple is not so 'easy'. What are your own strengths, what really interests you? Filtering out which profession suits you is often complex due to the variety of options. An ideal platform to get in touch with job profiles and training companies is provided by the Rhine-Neckar Chamber of Commerce and Industry as part of their "Career Orientation Day". On February 20, this was Karl-Friedrich-Gymnasium (KFG) in Mannheim and WSB was one of three companies on site.

Iris Wolf, responsible for securing skilled workers in vocational training at the IHK, is delighted about WSB's renewed involvement: "I think it's great how WSB approaches the students and at the same time imparts knowledge about taxes in a tangible way. I am always impressed by their expertise - both professionally and personally." Dr. Astrid Mader, BOGY representative at the KFG, is also impressed: "Our students and classes are very different in character and temperament and often have very different abilities. It's impressive how individually WSB responds to these different abilities! What's more, WSB brings the sometimes abstract subject matter to life and arouses the pupils' interest. That's really nice."

Talking to pupils and exchanging ideas at eye level about what to do after school - study or training? What career opportunities are there? "If you are good with numbers, empathetic and enjoy contact with people, you can gain a foothold in the tax sector. If you have organizational talent and like to help shape things, you'll find very good opportunities in office management," adds Jasmin Merdes.
Jasmin is currently in her final year of training at WSB as an office management assistant. The 10th graders were given a first-hand account of everyday work processes and experiences from their time as trainees.

Whether it's a traditional apprenticeship or a dual study program - WSB offers a wide range of career opportunities.


Are you thinking about training in the tax or office sector? 
Then apply now and start your future with us:

Nadja Neubig, Human Resources & Corporate Communications
WSB Wolf Beckerbauer Hummel & Partner Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbB

Max-Jarecki-Str. 21 | 69115 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 40509-10 | Fax: +49 6221 40509-30


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