WSB - we are both: social and professional competence is in demand!
Mannheim, 07.07.2021 - As a tax consultant, you are often more than just a purely technical advisor. "Especially in difficult economic times, it's also about offering clients a shoulder to lean on and taking up personal issues as well," says Svetlana Ryzhenko, partner and tax consultant at WSB. To bring social and professional competences under one roof and to care for the clients holistically and confidentially - for this you need a certain knack. WSB has firmly anchored these values in its mission statement and implements them in its daily work with its clients, but also within the company. Because we are both: socially and professionally competent!
Word of this has spread throughout the industry. At the invitation of the network "The Entrepreneurial Confidants" Svetlana Ryzhenko gives insights into her daily work. At the regional meeting of the entrepreneurs' confidants on 08 July 2021 in Frankfurt am Main will show you in her lecture on the topic "Midwife and pastor - my understanding as an entrepreneur's confidant" the importance of especially the soft factors, such as the trust between client and tax advisor, in today's world. Exchange ideas with our expert and get new impulses.
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