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WSB News 6 Nov. 2024

Technical article

Winter months and off to the tropics: Is this tax deductible?

Is wintering in Thailand tax-deductible?

As he suffered from hypersensitivity to cold pain, a man flew to Thailand in winter. He claimed his costs for travel, accommodation and a domestic help there as an extraordinary expense in his German income tax return. To this end, he submitted a medical certificate from a public health officer stating that he should stay "in a tropical climate during the winter months" for health reasons.
The tax office got hot and cold at this argument. It canceled the costs and confirmed that the costs were not deductible.

Because: Expenses for climatic cures are only exceptional expenses if an official medical report or a certificate from a health insurance medical service is submitted before they begin. This must clearly state the medically indicated health resort and the expected duration of the cure.

So: Only those who can present a sufficiently concrete certificate may deduct their stay in Thailand!

👉 Are you looking for a reliable and competent tax expert at your side? We will be happy to help you with your tax questions and concerns:

#Thailand #Winter months #Winter #Travel #Climate cure #TTax return #Finance office

Nadja Neubig, Human Resources & Corporate Communications
WSB Wolf Beckerbauer Hummel & Partner Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbB

Max-Jarecki-Str. 21 | 69115 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 40509-10 | Fax: +49 6221 40509-30


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