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WSB News,aescucon 16 May. 2022

From the practice dream to your own practice

Many physicians are driven by the dream of starting their own practice. So that the business startup succeeds, there is much to consider. The online seminar "From the dream of a practice to your own practice - your guide to setting up a business" on 25.05.2022, from 09:30 - 16:30, which aescucon by WSB is organizing together with at the DZR Deutsches Zahnärztliches Rechenzentrum (German Dental Computer Center), deals with the most important questions about setting up, taking over and running your own practice. It is aimed at young doctors fresh out of university as well as those who have decided to become self-employed after leaving an employment relationship.

These topics await you:

  • What rules should apply when multiple dentists join together to form or buy into a practice?
  • What are the contractual options for collaboration?
  • Is the purchase price reasonable for the practice I want to take over?
  • What contracts are there, what contracts do I still need to sign?
  • What financing concepts and funding options are available?
  • What about health insurance licensing, practice equipment, website, advertising, and employment contracts?
  • Buy or lease laboratory equipment?
  • As a dentist, am I a medical device manufacturer - and if so: what does that mean in concrete terms?
  • What rooms do I need for the practice?
  • And what typical start-up mistakes should I avoid?

"The idea of one's own medical skills are usually very concrete when the idea of founding a company comes up. But with the decision to become self-employed, every start-up faces important decisions that they have to make. And this is where we come in: we help to ensure that everything is on the right track right from the start," says Sabrina Krennrich Böhm, tax consultant and certified specialist consultant for the medical professions at aescucon by WSB.

The participation fee is € 349 plus VAT per person, including seminar documents.

You can find the possibility to register at:

Nadja Neubig, Human Resources & Corporate Communications
WSB Wolf Beckerbauer Hummel & Partner Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbB

Max-Jarecki-Str. 21 | 69115 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 40509-10 | Fax: +49 6221 40509-30


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