Technical article
WSB informs: Deadline for flood aid expires soon
The last floods in southern Germany happened a few weeks ago. For those affected, however, the events are still very much with them. Whether destroyed property or agricultural land - the victims are still struggling with the consequences. Many taxpayers are also facing considerable financial burdens that threaten their existence.
Just a few days after the storms, on June 4, 2024, the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Finance published a so-called "Disaster Decree to support citizens and companies affected by the floods".
This lists specific reliefs such as the adjusted tax prepayment or deferral of income tax, corporation tax or VAT amounts due. In justified cases, it is also possible to defer enforcement without having to pay late payment penalties.
Important to know: The decree is only valid for a limited period of time, until October 31, 2024. Anyone who has not yet been able to take action should inform themselves immediately and apply for appropriate support. In addition to tax relief, there are also other forms of support, such as low-interest loans and grants for reconstruction. It is therefore recommended that you also make use of these options in order to alleviate the financial burden.
All detailed information on this can be found on the homepage of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Finance:
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