WSB News 27 Feb. 2024

Technical article

BWA symposium - WSB holds expert lectures

Seeing and using perspectives in times of crisis and conflict. This was the main theme of this year's symposium organized by the Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade (BWA) and WSB. Under the heading "Preserving opportunities in times of general crisis", they invited entrepreneurs from SMEs and industry to Heidelberg on January 25 to engage in an exchange with experts and discuss the effects of various influences on everyday business life.

In a two-part expert lecture, WSB spoke on the topic of "National and international tax policy in crisis mode: possibilities & limits" on tax policy and undertook a thematic excursus on company valuation.

As a member of the BWA Senate Jochen Hummel, partner and tax consultant at WSB in Heidelberg, explains in the first part how entrepreneurs can navigate the complex field of taxes safely and skillfully in economically turbulent times. "The implications of tax policy decisions at national and international level are diverse and equally sensitive. Every entrepreneur is influenced differently and depends on a variety of factors. With our multi-layered expert knowledge, we have provided insight and comprehensive information," says Jochen Hummel.

In the second part Marius Laskowskipartner, tax consultant and auditor at WSB Treuhand's Mannheim office, will take an excursion into the field of company valuation. What is it, why is it carried out, what types are there, what significance does it have in times of crisis and how do you get support? "Remaining capable of acting in difficult times is an enormously important part of entrepreneurial activity. Knowledge and recognizing correlations are then invaluable. Only those who know the basics and options will stay in the race," Marius Laskowski emphasizes the importance of his presentation.

The lively participation in the subsequent discussion rounds confirmed the need for information and exchange. Michael Schumann, Chairman of the Board of the BWA, was more than satisfied. "Our association brings together proven business experts. We are pleased to have a partner in the WSB that brings extensive knowledge and experience in a complex specialist area and provides more than insightful contributions," he said at the end of the event.

Event impressions BWA 1
Event impressions BWA 2
BWA and WSB at the symposium

Nadja Neubig, Human Resources & Corporate Communications
WSB Wolf Beckerbauer Hummel & Partner Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbB

Max-Jarecki-Str. 21 | 69115 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 40509-10 | Fax: +49 6221 40509-30


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